Convert pkg ke iso ubah pkg ke iso
Convert pkg ke iso ubah pkg ke iso

convert pkg ke iso ubah pkg ke iso

It means you can personalize your PS2 games’ backgrounds and icon images in XMB by changing the pictures in PS2U10000 folder.

  • While waiting to get file, you can do this, and this step is for those who would like to personalize their stuff like me.
  • FYI, CEX is PS3 version for consumers and DEX is for developers, change if you know what it is.

    convert pkg ke iso ubah pkg ke iso

    Then click Decrypt, and it will take a while depending on the file size. Select your PS2 ISO game as Encrypted Image if it pops up to ask you to Add LIMG Sector, just choose Yes.

  • Now, run PS2Classics_GUI.exe, by default, you are at Encrypt tab.
  • DO NOT leave any empty space in ISO’s file name.
  • To make PS2 games pkg, it has 2 steps, they are decompressing from PS2 ISO and packaging into a pgk file.
  • In short, that folder is a working folder of that file, so I would recommend you to have desktop shortcuts for both.
  • Locate PS2Classics_GUI.exe file and PS2U10000 folder inside the directory where you installed PS3tools (folder ‘tools’).
  • I assume you already download your PS2 games, and in my case, the games are always in ISO.
  • convert pkg ke iso ubah pkg ke iso

    PSP Brew - PSP Homebrew, PSP Saved Games, PSP Downloads. You need PS3tools, go to to download the package and install it.This may seem to be difficult but it’s actually quite simple. But be noted, that not all games (very small number, for example Crash Twinsanity) can be played, and I don’t seek to know why. This includes the discs' directory structure, the boot code, and attributes attached to the files.I have converted many PS2 games to pkg files to install on PS3, and I think it’s better this way as I don’t want to do what I wrote in my other anymore, though you still need to follow the set-up process for PS2 games from there (you can consider this is is Part 2 for PS2 games). In addition to the duplicated data from a physical disk, ISO files contain all necessary filesystem information from the original medium. The ISO standard the ISO files are based on is the ISO-9660 standard. Much more information is saved this way than simply copying files from one disc to another where important information like the disc header information can get lost. These copies can function as backup CDs since they do not differ from the originals regarding content. ISO files are used to create exact copies of CDs, DVDs, or other media saved on discs like a CD-ROM. The content of the ISO is an exact copy of the content of the original DVD or CD the disc image was created. ISO is the most common disc image format for both CD and DVD.

    Convert pkg ke iso ubah pkg ke iso